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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Equality Consumption

Hotel di Palembang - MONTH most awaited month of Ramadan is a Muslim. He is the choice of the month that has many virtues, full of grace, blessings and forgiveness.

Pesan Hotel - Allah has preferred this month from the other eleven months, many historical events that happened in it, lowered the Qur'an is one of them.

In this month of prayer will be granted, the value of good deeds multiplied. Because keistimewaannyalah, the doors of heaven will open wide and the gates of Hell will be locked shut during the month of Ramadan.

However, the special month of Ramadan has not always been inherent in the people who live it. The arrival of Ramadan may be just a cycle that will always occur along the world still exists.

So routine (fasting) is performed during Ramadan is not far from mere routine that does not have an impact on changes in quality of life for those who live it.
Fasting is not just a physical activity solely by way of refraining from eating and drinking, fasting contain social and moral message of the sublime.

Fasting is not only vertically oriented worship per se, but have a strong meaning horizontal. Fasting in a narrow meaning which causes fast it was just a routine ritual but poor social impact.

Meaning behind fasting is a very important suggestion to reduce the level of consumption that followed reproduce such appropriation to pay Zakat, spend and give alms.

This is directly into ways how to distribute wealth evenly among the public. The rich are encouraged to reduce their consumption levels by fasting and income not consumed it is recommended to those who donated can not afford.

So in a way that the month of Ramadan is one form of religion an instrument for reducing hunger and poverty. This is the social value of Ramadan which is rarely understood by those who fasted.

Those who fasted will always protect themselves from everything that can reduce and cancel his fast either directly or indirectly.

Eating to excess is one that can reduce the value of fasting person. Therefore, fasting is directly going to change consumption behavior of Muslims, namely the fast decline in personal consumption.
At the macro level, this will reduce aggregate consumption, especially of staple goods.

Consumption Level
Fasting should theoretically can reduce the level of consumption, particularly Muslims staple goods. But what happens is the occurrence of excessive consumption increased at an even, namely the purchase of food, beverages, fruits and cake that excessive price is relatively more expensive than the normal price.

This fact can be seen with increasing level of prices of basic commodities during Ramadan. Increase in prices was one of them triggered the increase in the demand for staple goods such. Another reality that often occurs is the habit of Muslims (Indonesia) to buy new clothes ahead of the Idul Fitri holidays, this is a reflection of the consumer behavior that often occurs in the month of Ramadan.
This habit is essentially the opposite of the meaning of fasting which should reduce the consumption level of fasting.

Over-consumption during Ramadan according Agustianto creates excess demand in goods and services resulting in inflation.

This condition would worsen the lives of the poor, because of their declining purchasing power due to inflation. If this happens during Ramadan, then the blessings are not felt by the poor due to rising prices caused by the behavior of the rich tabzir in consumption during the buka puasa.
Consumerism during Ramadan is contrary to the word of God "Eat and drink ye, but not excessive.

Truly Allah loveth not excessive. "
He also stressed the importance of simplicity when breaking the fast, simply by a sip of water and sebiji dates.
Consumer behavior, and israf tabzir during Ramadan is contrary to the social function of fasting which should encourage the transfer of consumption from the rich to the poor.

Equal distribution of consumption may occur in the month of Ramadan. With fasting automatically reduce the frequency of eating a person in one day to two times. So eat less one-time allocation in the month of Ramadan. Suppose the cost of one meal amounting to USD 7000 per person multiplied by the number of such families of five people, then in one day happened savings of USD 35 thousand.

If the amount of wherewithal and savings funds are distributed to the poor then the number of poor people will decrease. This is as recommended by the Prophet to reproduce and infak alms during Ramadan.
If fasting should be able to change the consumer behavior of people who fasted during Ramadan and has converted part of their consumption becomes infak alms to the poor and then in the month of Ramadan will occur even distribution of consumption.

Zakat Fitrah
It is no less important to reduce poverty levels and required to be performed during Ramadan is Zakat. One type of zakat is compulsory issued by each individual who is able to the conditions set forth in the month of Ramadan is Zakat-Fitr (the soul).

Big charity issued approximately equivalent to 3.5 liters or 2.5 kg of staple food and was issued at the time before the Eid prayer.

Tithe was intended so that everyone can enjoy the happiness at the time of Eid prayer, everyone can eat foods such as what is eaten by most people, there are no more people who are starving because of food shortages.

So one function firah zakat during Ramadan is to relocate the resource wealth of the people who consume the surplus into a deficit of consumption, creating an even distribution of consumption between the rich with the poor. This method is very effective in reducing the number of poor people

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