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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Gunung Berapi Bawah Laut Manado

Hotel di Singapura - Expedition avec l'Indonésie et les scientifiques des États-Unis dans le Nord de Sulawesi trouver des résultats surprenants dans la première semaine. Les scientifiques ont découvert un volcans géants sous-marine dans les eaux environnantes de Sulawesi Nord.
Booking Hotel «Il s'agit d'un énorme volcan et plus grand que toutes les montagnes en Indonésie, à l'exception de trois ou quatre autres montagnes», a déclaré U. S. scientifique en chef Jim Holden.
Les hautes montagnes sur le plancher océanique qui atteint 10.000 pieds, soit environ 3000 mètres. Position situé à une profondeur de 18 000 pieds dans les eaux Kawio îles, Nord Sulawesi.

A titre de comparaison, la plus haute montagne d'Indonésie, de Carstensz maximale atteint 4884 mètres d'altitude. Bien que la plus haute montagne en Java, le mont Semeru 3676 mètres de haut.

La découverte de cette montagne fait partie de l'expédition du navire appartenant Okeanos and Atmospheric Administration nationale des océans. Cette expédition a cartographié 2400 miles carrés de fonds marins en Indonésie ou de la zone du Delaware. Cette expédition sera achevé le 24 août.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Velove Vexia Video

Hotel di Singapura - NOT only Bunga Citra Lestari and Kris Kristofferson, names Vexia Velove any mention of women listed as sexual activity with Ariel divideokan. The issue was diembuskan rival of his father, O.C. Kaligis, who was appointed attorney Ariel, who is now in custody Police Headquarters. Feeling maligned, Manado-blooded girl who is a summer vacation from college in France had chosen to ignore these rumors face. The following interview excerpts with the virgin birth of Jakarta, March 13, 1990, in Epicentrum Walk, Kuningan, South Jakarta, on Saturday night (10 / 7).

How the news about the existence of video between Velove Vexia and Ariel?

Initially distracted by the skewed news. However, recently I was ignorant. That's slander. I could not figure out with the news. Let alone have sex, just have never met. Figures just do not know. Ask straight to the person, not met. I just saw on TV. So, in my opinion, this is just something funny.

Enggak interested in making clarifications if feel slandered?

Was baseball. Why would busy to give clarification? Truth will be revealed sooner or later. You'll also have the proof. If there is anything or not, later also proved by the passage of time.

Not really want to take legal action?

Baseball is, what are you doing (take it to the law)? People I do not have business. After all the Indonesian people are smart enough (judging someone). Later also uncovered what is right and wrong. Do not make it do anything, do not need to say anything, I'll also kebongkar.

Apparently it does not really care huh?

Yes. Like I said, it's slander. Class assignments and time-consuming enough minds. Why must others think? I want this holiday baseball disturbed by the issue. I want this semester vacation truly enjoyable.

There are special plans vacation?

His intentions were going to Bali. After that, me and the family planned to spend a holiday in Australia and Hong Kong. Vacation (semester) has been used for work yesterday. Vacation this time I really wanted a family vacation together.