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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Skyline Movie

Hotel di Kuala Lumpur - Imagine you’re an extra-terrestrial. Your kind has created ships that can cross the vast oceans of space, that are advanced enough to repair themselves even after suffering catastrophic damage.

Pesan Hotel - You have the intelligence to build a special glowing laser that hypnotises entire cities of humans, and construct a kind of colossal vacuum cleaner that is capable of stripping a sprawling metropolis of its population.

You have all this technology, and yet for some reason you use it to collect human brains.

Now imagine you’re the brothers Strause. Your reputation has taken a bit of a kicking after the debacle that was Aliens Vs Predator - Requiem, a film that succeeded in sullying two much-loved franchises at the same time, and enraged an entire planet’s worth of film-obsessed geeks.

Somehow, you manage to get the funds together to create an alien invasion movie outside the interference of the Hollywood system. It’s your opportunity to redeem yourself, to prove to the world that you can direct an effective, entertaining science fiction movie competently, and on a shoe-string budget.

These two disparate scenarios come together in Skyline, a film that, despite the cautious optimism its marketing invoked, proves to be one of the most strange, unintentionally funny films to appear this year.

Skyline is so bizarre, in fact, that I've taken the slightly odd step of writing about it twice. Since I wrote my review on Friday, which I deliberately kept as spoiler-free as I could, the film's been quietly percolating in my mind, like the image of Devils Tower that haunts Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters Of The Third Kind.

I've been moaning about Skyline to anyone who will listen ever since. I've sculpted a model of a human brain out of mashed potato. I've driven my girlfriend to distraction with my endless complaints about the film’s continuity errors and baffling logic.

What's so frustrating about Skyline is that it's not an irredeemably bad film. The aliens are quite fascinating, even if the influences of Independence Day, Cloverfield and numerous other sci-fi staples are all too obvious. Their ships are either vast and baroque, or small and squid-like, hurtling around with their eerie blue lights on full beam.

The effects are sometimes very good, particularly when one considers the film’s low-budget status. There are clouds of floating humans, an aerial dogfight, a nuclear bomb and a big monster that hates Ferraris.

Then there's everything else. The unsympathetic characters. The flat, perfunctory script that fritters away any feeling of tension with pointless arguments and the kind of relationship issues you'd turn off Hollyoaks to avoid. In fact, Skyline is essentially Hollyoaks with aliens. And Hoovers.

Then there's the plot, which literally goes nowhere. Skyline's characters spend hours hiding from the invasion under a coffee table in their flat. Then they pluck up the courage to go upstairs for a better look. They get scared, and scurry back to the apartment.

Later, they go downstairs. Frightened, they head back to the flat again. Then they go upstairs, where they’re finally captured in a blaze of light. The credits roll a few minutes thereafter.

It's fortunate that Skyline was made outside the Hollywood studio system, since most Tinsel Town producers would have read the script, held it up to the light, and then set fire to it. Or at least, ordered a second draft.

That a nuclear bomb can go off without even cracking a window of the apartment building in which Skyline is set is (just about) forgiveable. That Skyline's directors had to find creative ways of keeping the scope of the film small is understandable, given their lack of funds.

But to have such a dramatically static plot, where characters essentially run on the spot until they're killed, seemingly at random, is a serious flaw.

Then there are the bizarre motivations of the aliens mentioned earlier. So mysterious and unsettling early on (the question of what the aliens want with approximately 3.69 million Californians is a brilliantly provocative little mystery), it's revealed these highly evolved beings are only after one thing: juicy human brains.

Even now, I'm still at a loss to explain what they need them for. I thought at first that they simply ate them, but it later turns out that they use them as an energy source, as they did in The Matrix. The lack of logic behind this idea makes my eyes water (why would aliens need human brains for energy?), and seems to serve no purpose other than to justify Skyline's alarmingly left-field ending.

Ah yes, the ending. I still haven't worked out whether it's audacious or simply inept. In either case, it's hilarious, and hints at a sequel, or at least a spin-off videogame.

Skyline’s bickering couple, Jarrod and Elaine (Eric Balfour and Scotty Thompson, respectively), having spent an hour-and-a-half hidden from the aliens, are finally beamed aboard the invaders’ mothership. And as Elaine lies prone and gooey on the deck of the alien craft, Jarrod’s brain is unceremoniously torn from his skull, his body thrown onto a heap of other human corpses.

But wait! Just as it appears that all is lost, and that the pregnant Elaine is doomed to suffer a hideous fate at the hands of her captors, Jarrod’s brain is inserted into the cranium of a dormant xenomorph. Springing to life, the alien approaches Elaine, and lays a tender hand on her face. Jarrod’s consciousness has, remarkably, lived on in this other lifeform...

As the closing credits roll to the cacophony of rock guitar, the alien/Jarrod fusion is shown (in glorious freeze frame) pummelling the ship’s invaders into jelly, before carrying off Elaine in what is surely an homage to the Swamp Thing.

It’s undoubtedly the strangest and most abrupt ending of the year. Quite apart from its dream-like absence of logic, the film ends just as you’re expecting some sort of huge fight scene. If you can imagine James Cameron’s Aliens concluding with Ripley jumping in her Loader and shouting “Get away from her, you bitch!”, you’ll perhaps understand what I mean.

In the pub over the weekend, I began formulating my own alternate endings for Skyline. It could have transpired that the aliens were anthropologists, collecting human specimens for some sort of planet-wide biological survey. Or the aliens could have been truffle hunters, who collect and sell human brains for restaurants at the end of the universe.

Or maybe the whole movie could have been an extended advert for co-director Greg Strause’s flat (which served as the location for the entire film), with its expansive views and electronic blinds. As Skyline's final two characters were taken aboard the alien craft, the film could have ended on a final lingering shot of the empty, suspiciously unmarked apartment, together with the words, "Luxurious LA penthouse. Spectacular views. $5 million or near offer."

Any of these endings would have made more sense than the one I saw at the cinema.

As bile filled as all this sounds, I didn’t hate Skyline. Unlike, say, Resident Evil: Afterlife, or The Last Airbender, I'd happily watch Skyline again, if only to enjoy the creature designs and moments of unintended humour. There are parts of it that are quite memorable, including a gloriously icky alien versus fire axe scene, a woman shrieking “He’s alive!", and the ending really sticks on the mind, though perhaps not for the reasons Skyline’s creators meant.

In fact, I almost hope the brothers Strause get to make the sequel that Skyline’s ending so obviously sets up. So far as I can work out, it would entail the Jarrod/alien thing single-handedly repelling the invasion with his gigantic fists. If it turns out like Skyline, it’ll be hilarious.

I write this, then, out of bemusement rather than hatred. Somewhere in Skyline's broken script and lifeless characters, there's a quite interesting movie trapped under the rubble. It's a film of occasionally startling images and neat ideas - the big glowing ships that self repair, the giant man Hoovers - and with a rewritten script and a decent director who could let the brothers Strause concentrate on making cool effects, it could have been a brilliant little film.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Jupe Denies Noise with DP

Hotel di Kuta Bali - Feud Julia Perez, aka Jupe, with Dewi Persik, aka DP, allegedly to boost the movie Requiem Shake Kerawang. However Jupe denied this.

Pesan Penginapan"I asked them to friends journalist, I was not weird or a fight for popularity? Well, anyway if he does not sell, I'm not going to buy," Jupe said when contacted via phone, Sunday (31/10).

Jupe claimed to know enough DP character that is often too late to shoot. Jupe was disappointed it was done against the movie was playing.

"I know he's behavior is like running late and often created strange. So, nggaklah if I want to raise the popularity of the movie. And I want to work the two of us could raise the Indonesian film industry," continued Jupe.

As known, according to Jupiter, the goddess who has signed a contract for the movie Requiem Kerawang Shake it suddenly canceled filming. Goddess reason not to come because of being sick thypus. Jupe regard it as an act of unprofessional.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Événements JJC de classe mondiale

Hotel di Lombok - pluie fine n'a pas empêché des centaines de participants Jogja Carnival Java (JJC) intitulé «Harmonight 'dans le cadre de l'anniversaire du 254e de la ville de Yogyakarta pour présenter l'apparition du maximum.

Pesan Hotel - C'est donc avec des milliers de spectateurs, ils ont emballé la zone Malioboro et ses environs jusqu'à tumpleg BLEG une mer de personnes à la fois dans la région. Différent de ce grand événement que l'année précédente, soit a été officiellement maketh même JJC devenu une icône de touristes internationaux.

Carnaval, qui commence à environ 19:00 pm Il commence marionnettes rangs, la communauté du vélo de Yogyakarta, un groupe de cirque, la variété et réog jathilan, une série de trains d'or portant épouse Sultan Palace et devant plusieurs tribunaux dans comme Solo et Cirebon, suivie d'un défilé d'étudiants étrangers à l'aide de la mode locale, de l'art du Suriname et de la Thaïlande.

Derrière la parade il ya des fragments de «ville des anges», qui décrit la vie du monde, Khayangan fragments de contes de fées, des fragments golong équipée impacts fragment gilig du réchauffement de la planète avec barricades habillée groupe de déchets, fragments immédiatement Tirta que parler de la légendaire Reine de la Côte du Sud, Kangjeng Reine du Sud dans la région du Merapi.

Parce que des nombreuses personnes qui veulent voir les grands événements de ce une fois par an, pas un peu d'entre eux qui sont tombés à cause inconsciente à l'air vicié et piétiné.
Des dizaines de participants carnaval figure à la page Parking Tours Ali Abubakar marchait le long de Jalan Malioboro rue, ils ne l'attrait à un moment donné comme le Mall Malioboro, Batik clair de la lune, Ngejaman, Ground Zero et a fini dans le Nord Square.
En plus de regarder à ce moment-là, le public a également rempli les six places qui fournissent des six écran géant, c'est à dire, les récifs Field, Field Karangwaru, région Ngabean, Wirobrajan, sur le terrain et Page Musée lutte Minggiran

Typique de la célébration JJC dans la ville de Yogyakarta, qui a lieu pendant la nuit. Il s'agit d'un événement encourageant JJC servir comme une icône du tourisme international parce que la culture est multiculturelle.

Gouverneur de Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X dans son discours exprimé Yogya est une ville de tolérance et de la miniature de l'Indonésie. Dans cette ville est née à une variété de produit créatif qui est capable à travers le monde. JJC 2010 une preuve d'enrichir le charme de la ville culturelle et ville créative.

"Même cette JJC faire de la ville culturelle de Yogyakarta que de plus en plus vivant, car il a été clairement expliquer la diversité culturelle.

Les artistes donnent une réelle contribution différentes cultures réunion. Spectacles de rue sont montrés capables d'attirer les touristes nationaux, les touristes locaux et étrangers, at-il dit.

Maire de Yogyakarta, Herry Zudianto ajouter JJC est un carnaval de classe mondiale avec deux caractéristiques, à savoir tenue de nuit qui est la seule en Indonésie. Les deuxième, troisième nappe ronde JJC est devenu une fête culturelle internationale. Cela renforcera encore Yogyakarta comme une icône du tourisme et une attraction touristique.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Inter Music Java Rockin'Land ‎

Hotel di Medan - Java Festival Production (JFP) managed to bring aging of the Japanese rock group that ever so popular in Indonesia, Loudness. Located at Merdeka Square, the group The Brandals opening series of performances with a song that would exist in their latest album which will be launched into the end of 2010.

Pesan Hotel ‎ - Saint Loco emerged as the second viewer. While that appears next Loudness immediately kicked off with the song "Fire of Spirits". Akira Takasaki, guitarist who is also the founder of this group, capable of injecting adrenaline lovers of metal music. Vocalist Minoru Niihara and young drummer, Masayki Suzuki managed to enchant the audience.

Neutral group that became headline the night of the week managed to meet the thirst for rock music lovers of the city of Medan. As happened in the premiere performances, Gudang Garam Rockin'land InterMusic Java last year, where the Indonesian rock band to compete with international rock audience's attention. In Medan, samapun things happen. Indonesian rock band is not just being the host band, but capable of coupled parallel with the appearance of an international rock band.

Even at, Gudang Garam Rockin'land InterMusic Java last year, several members of the international rock group to record the appearance of Indonesian rock band with his handycam camera. When asked, they said the Indonesian rock band's performance is very powerful, sedahsyat his rock festival. "It's truly a rock," he said.

Pre-Event Next
On October 2, 2010, pre-event, Gudang Garam InterMusic Java Rockin'land will be held in three cities at once, Surabaya (McDonald's Parking Lot Basuki Rahmat), Yogyakarta (Yogya Kembali Monument) and Bandung (Field Gazibu). As with the previous administration, in the three cities will bergatian Indonesian rock band show off with an international band, Not Called Jinx-German (Surabaya), Social Code - Canada (Yogyakarta) and Arkarna-UK (Bandung). Guaranteed Indonesian rock bands who will perform the third setanding with the international group.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

삼성 갤럭시 5

Pesan Hotel Online Paling Murah - 은하 Spica의 릴리스 이후에 높은 정의는 삼성 전자 인도네시아는 새로운 세그먼트 항목에 대해 기회가 아직 열려 넓다 본 은하 S를, 즉 하이 엔드 휴대폰 출시 후, 안드로이드 전화 (GfK의 조사에 따르면)의 최고 기록 판매를합니다.

단지 정보, 지금까지 안드로이드 휴대폰 시장은 라인란트 2,500,000 이상의 휴대 전화에 의해 주도되고있다. 조금도 그런 미화 4,000,000 범위 인치 , 2백만달러 아래에있다하더라도 즉 전용 및 I - 모바일 딱 두 브랜드에 대한 회계. 여행 시리즈와 함께 연주 Nexian이 문턱 가격보다 훨씬 아직도있다. 물론, 다른 가격, 다른 품질.

하지만 삼성은 사양 potluck와 휴대 전화를 공개하고 싶지 않았어. 갤럭시 시리즈 5 (또는 550)에 발표가되었습니다 라인란트 2,000,000 아래의 세그먼트를 풍요롭게. 그리고,이 레이어에 경쟁이 너무 멍청하지 않는 것 같습니다. 수도도 Google에 의해 만들어진 운영 체제와 통화를 지배하려는 프레스 티지 삼성 mendongkrakkan에 대해 "영웅"이되었습니다.

갤럭시 시리즈는 550 달러 1990000 은색의 가격과 (도 BM 다니는 있었다) 시장에서 준비되었습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 102g 무게 시리즈는 이미은 HSDPA 네트워크를 사용했고 장착 와이파이 쉽게 인터넷 접속합니다. 하지만 적어도, 갤럭시 5 마지막으로 (이것은 아직까지 학년에 수) 쓰고 안드로이드 OS 버전 2.1 일명 Eclair을했다. 이것도 이미 라인란트 2,500,000의 가격에 매진했다 일부 휴대 전화 이상의 여지가 없군요.

그러나 사용되는 프로세서의 연산 속도와 같은 가격이 일부 조정, 600 MHz의 있었어요가 없습니다. 그렇다면, 카메라는이 헌병했다.

결국, 삼성은 여전히 역시도 Spica 미국 갤럭시 갤럭시 소유한 많은 기능을 제공하기 위해 노력하고있어 쓰기 및 기능을 가서, 그 의미 (예측 텍스트 입력 방법을 사용) 빠른 타이핑에 대한 입고 Swype 기술. 그런 다음, 시설 SNS (소셜 네트워크 서비스)를 여러 소셜 네트워킹 사이트와 블로그 마이크로 업 데이트하는 과정을 속도를 결합한 제품입니다.

이 가격으로 삼성 Elctronics 인도네시아는 페이스 북이나 트위터를 통해 모바일 인터넷 액세스를 통해 빠져 있었다 초보자 교육을하려는 것 같다. 괜찮은 예산, 물론 안드로이드 전화로 이동, 새로운 경험을 즐길 것입니다. 특히 다운로드 - 다운로드 및 공기 이메일 리아의 점에서.

용어 커뮤니티 아이디 안드로이드를 사용하는 경우, 삼성 전자, "독"무언가가 더 부자가 사용자에게하려는 듯 보이지만 좀 더 합리적인 예산으로.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wanted in China

Hotel di Padang - Two national pebiliar, Irsal Nasution and Ricky Yang, want to shine in the China Open which was held in Shanghai September 16 to 27 for the test event to the Asian Games in Guangzhou XVI 12 to 27 November 2010.

Booking Penginapan"Shown at the China Open is clear that opponents will face off in Guangzhou. With so war strategy must be applied before appearing in the Asian Games XVI," said Ricky Yang in Jakarta, Tuesday (09/14/2010).

Ricky who had just entered ranked seventh in the Cup when the fall will not be hasty in issuing Guines owned engineering. Although the China Open will be able to improve his performance.

Ultimate technique must be issued in an official match at the Asian Games XVI. That way he will spend the game usually reaching achievements in the China Open will be.

He acknowledged China as the Asian Games host XVI had anticipated would be facing opponents in the Asian Games. China's strategy of lowering athletes performed two-and three-layer ahead of the official matches in the Asian Games.

Meanwhile Irsal want to spend all his strength in every game including the China Open. He wanted to know the extent to which their pre-jump performance at the Asian Games.

"Measuring the strength of yourself and your opponent in every game really needed. All of it can be a valuable lesson on his return to the motherland," said Irsal.

After performing at the China Open, he said, live repair deficiencies in Pelatnas held during practice. While that is good enough to live to be increased again to reach peak performance at the Asian Games XVI, November.

What matters, said Irsal, appearing everywhere, including in China Open would like to present an optimal performance. To be a successful major capital in the Asian Games in Guangzhou XVI.

The strategy was undertaken when deployed in Guines Cup, in August 2010 and be able to enter the final. "Achievement prize money yielded produce decent coaching too," he said without mentioning the receipt of gifts par when it fell in the Cup Guines.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Equality Consumption

Hotel di Palembang - MONTH most awaited month of Ramadan is a Muslim. He is the choice of the month that has many virtues, full of grace, blessings and forgiveness.

Pesan Hotel - Allah has preferred this month from the other eleven months, many historical events that happened in it, lowered the Qur'an is one of them.

In this month of prayer will be granted, the value of good deeds multiplied. Because keistimewaannyalah, the doors of heaven will open wide and the gates of Hell will be locked shut during the month of Ramadan.

However, the special month of Ramadan has not always been inherent in the people who live it. The arrival of Ramadan may be just a cycle that will always occur along the world still exists.

So routine (fasting) is performed during Ramadan is not far from mere routine that does not have an impact on changes in quality of life for those who live it.
Fasting is not just a physical activity solely by way of refraining from eating and drinking, fasting contain social and moral message of the sublime.

Fasting is not only vertically oriented worship per se, but have a strong meaning horizontal. Fasting in a narrow meaning which causes fast it was just a routine ritual but poor social impact.

Meaning behind fasting is a very important suggestion to reduce the level of consumption that followed reproduce such appropriation to pay Zakat, spend and give alms.

This is directly into ways how to distribute wealth evenly among the public. The rich are encouraged to reduce their consumption levels by fasting and income not consumed it is recommended to those who donated can not afford.

So in a way that the month of Ramadan is one form of religion an instrument for reducing hunger and poverty. This is the social value of Ramadan which is rarely understood by those who fasted.

Those who fasted will always protect themselves from everything that can reduce and cancel his fast either directly or indirectly.

Eating to excess is one that can reduce the value of fasting person. Therefore, fasting is directly going to change consumption behavior of Muslims, namely the fast decline in personal consumption.
At the macro level, this will reduce aggregate consumption, especially of staple goods.

Consumption Level
Fasting should theoretically can reduce the level of consumption, particularly Muslims staple goods. But what happens is the occurrence of excessive consumption increased at an even, namely the purchase of food, beverages, fruits and cake that excessive price is relatively more expensive than the normal price.

This fact can be seen with increasing level of prices of basic commodities during Ramadan. Increase in prices was one of them triggered the increase in the demand for staple goods such. Another reality that often occurs is the habit of Muslims (Indonesia) to buy new clothes ahead of the Idul Fitri holidays, this is a reflection of the consumer behavior that often occurs in the month of Ramadan.
This habit is essentially the opposite of the meaning of fasting which should reduce the consumption level of fasting.

Over-consumption during Ramadan according Agustianto creates excess demand in goods and services resulting in inflation.

This condition would worsen the lives of the poor, because of their declining purchasing power due to inflation. If this happens during Ramadan, then the blessings are not felt by the poor due to rising prices caused by the behavior of the rich tabzir in consumption during the buka puasa.
Consumerism during Ramadan is contrary to the word of God "Eat and drink ye, but not excessive.

Truly Allah loveth not excessive. "
He also stressed the importance of simplicity when breaking the fast, simply by a sip of water and sebiji dates.
Consumer behavior, and israf tabzir during Ramadan is contrary to the social function of fasting which should encourage the transfer of consumption from the rich to the poor.

Equal distribution of consumption may occur in the month of Ramadan. With fasting automatically reduce the frequency of eating a person in one day to two times. So eat less one-time allocation in the month of Ramadan. Suppose the cost of one meal amounting to USD 7000 per person multiplied by the number of such families of five people, then in one day happened savings of USD 35 thousand.

If the amount of wherewithal and savings funds are distributed to the poor then the number of poor people will decrease. This is as recommended by the Prophet to reproduce and infak alms during Ramadan.
If fasting should be able to change the consumer behavior of people who fasted during Ramadan and has converted part of their consumption becomes infak alms to the poor and then in the month of Ramadan will occur even distribution of consumption.

Zakat Fitrah
It is no less important to reduce poverty levels and required to be performed during Ramadan is Zakat. One type of zakat is compulsory issued by each individual who is able to the conditions set forth in the month of Ramadan is Zakat-Fitr (the soul).

Big charity issued approximately equivalent to 3.5 liters or 2.5 kg of staple food and was issued at the time before the Eid prayer.

Tithe was intended so that everyone can enjoy the happiness at the time of Eid prayer, everyone can eat foods such as what is eaten by most people, there are no more people who are starving because of food shortages.

So one function firah zakat during Ramadan is to relocate the resource wealth of the people who consume the surplus into a deficit of consumption, creating an even distribution of consumption between the rich with the poor. This method is very effective in reducing the number of poor people

Monday, August 23, 2010

40 Killed in Bus Accident in Philippines

Hotel di Pangandaran - Forty people were killed when a bus full of passengers into a deep ravine in the northern Philippines on Wednesday (18 / 8), rescue officials said.

Booking Hotel - The bus was carrying 47 people, had just left the mountain resort town of Baguio, about 200 kilometers north of Manila, when the brake tension, said the local fire department chief Large Commissioner Richard Villanueva told AFP.

Large national police Commissioner Jurubicar Agrimero Cruz explained to reporters 40 people are confirmed dead.

"Six other passengers who are saved in a state of severe injuries and was unconscious, while the remainder was saved with injuries," he said.

Traffic accidents, often involving older buses and reckless drivers, a common occurrence in the Philippines.

Fifteen people were killed last month when a bus crashed into a concrete wall in Cebu, the Philippines second largest city.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Solusi Game Point Blank

Hotel Murah di Puncak - Bersama email ini saya ingin menyampaikan keluhan terkait permasalahan terhadap game Point Blank di mana saya tidak bisa melakukan update di hackshield Point Blank sejak pihak Gemscool melakukan maintenance tanggal 14-07-1-2010. Saya menghubungi Customer Serive (CS) dari Gemscool di nomor 52971560 yang dijawab oleh CS dikarenakan komputer saya ada program cheat engine.

Pesan Penginapan - Namun, saya bantah langsung dikarenakan memang tidak ada program cheat engine di komputer saya. Saya yang melakukan instalasi Windows dari awal dan komputer ini pun dilindungi oleh program deep freeze. CS tersebut konsultasi oleh bagian team terkait dan solusi hanya 1 yang diberikan oleh mereka yaitu DOWNLOAD ULANG SEMUA CLIENT-nya serta PATCH-nya kembali.

Alangkah mudahnya memberikan solusi seperti itu. Saya rasa nama besar Gemscool dan kualitas game yang dikeluarkan oleh Gemscool dan solusi yang diberikan sangat jauh dari standar. Atau mengecewakan dibandingkan oleh perusahaan game sejenis. Mereka umumnya sangat baik dalam membantu customer. Jika terdapat masalah dalam game dan mereka sangat membantu untuk menyelesaikannya.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Gunung Berapi Bawah Laut Manado

Hotel di Singapura - Expedition avec l'Indonésie et les scientifiques des États-Unis dans le Nord de Sulawesi trouver des résultats surprenants dans la première semaine. Les scientifiques ont découvert un volcans géants sous-marine dans les eaux environnantes de Sulawesi Nord.
Booking Hotel «Il s'agit d'un énorme volcan et plus grand que toutes les montagnes en Indonésie, à l'exception de trois ou quatre autres montagnes», a déclaré U. S. scientifique en chef Jim Holden.
Les hautes montagnes sur le plancher océanique qui atteint 10.000 pieds, soit environ 3000 mètres. Position situé à une profondeur de 18 000 pieds dans les eaux Kawio îles, Nord Sulawesi.

A titre de comparaison, la plus haute montagne d'Indonésie, de Carstensz maximale atteint 4884 mètres d'altitude. Bien que la plus haute montagne en Java, le mont Semeru 3676 mètres de haut.

La découverte de cette montagne fait partie de l'expédition du navire appartenant Okeanos and Atmospheric Administration nationale des océans. Cette expédition a cartographié 2400 miles carrés de fonds marins en Indonésie ou de la zone du Delaware. Cette expédition sera achevé le 24 août.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Velove Vexia Video

Hotel di Singapura - NOT only Bunga Citra Lestari and Kris Kristofferson, names Vexia Velove any mention of women listed as sexual activity with Ariel divideokan. The issue was diembuskan rival of his father, O.C. Kaligis, who was appointed attorney Ariel, who is now in custody Police Headquarters. Feeling maligned, Manado-blooded girl who is a summer vacation from college in France had chosen to ignore these rumors face. The following interview excerpts with the virgin birth of Jakarta, March 13, 1990, in Epicentrum Walk, Kuningan, South Jakarta, on Saturday night (10 / 7).

How the news about the existence of video between Velove Vexia and Ariel?

Initially distracted by the skewed news. However, recently I was ignorant. That's slander. I could not figure out with the news. Let alone have sex, just have never met. Figures just do not know. Ask straight to the person, not met. I just saw on TV. So, in my opinion, this is just something funny.

Enggak interested in making clarifications if feel slandered?

Was baseball. Why would busy to give clarification? Truth will be revealed sooner or later. You'll also have the proof. If there is anything or not, later also proved by the passage of time.

Not really want to take legal action?

Baseball is, what are you doing (take it to the law)? People I do not have business. After all the Indonesian people are smart enough (judging someone). Later also uncovered what is right and wrong. Do not make it do anything, do not need to say anything, I'll also kebongkar.

Apparently it does not really care huh?

Yes. Like I said, it's slander. Class assignments and time-consuming enough minds. Why must others think? I want this holiday baseball disturbed by the issue. I want this semester vacation truly enjoyable.

There are special plans vacation?

His intentions were going to Bali. After that, me and the family planned to spend a holiday in Australia and Hong Kong. Vacation (semester) has been used for work yesterday. Vacation this time I really wanted a family vacation together.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Prediksi Uruguay Vs Korea Selatan Alona

Hotel di Sumedang - Elimination of Italy from the World Cup event in 2010 marked the end of one of the golden period pizza State football. Elimination of Italy in the group stage though as the affirmation of the end of one era of the golden generation that held the record holder for the world champion four times.

Tempat Wisata - The period of glory generation cs Fabio Cannavaro has ended in South Africa (South Africa), having successfully won the world championship in 2006 in Germany. ''This is the end of an era for the Italian squad. We have to embarrass yourself. We hung together game to others, rather than mutually reinforcing, "explained general GLI field to Andrea Pirlo Azzurri Italian Football.

Dependence on other players indeed be one factor Cannavaro looks bad et al. Pirlo Italy like waiting for recovery to restore the best game. It certainly is inversely proportional to the World Cup 2006, Italy has every hero in every game. In the last 16 of the Italian Francesco Totti rescued from defeat against Australia and scored from a white point in the 95th minute.

In the semifinals, Fabio Grosso melesakkan appear as a hero with a goal in extra time against host Germany. On top of the party, Marco Materazzi be a savior to the equalizer through on goal tandukannya France. Recognized or not, Materazzi reason, cause France to lose because he is a Frenchman Zinedine Zidane's attack motor expelled by the referee because menanduknya.

However, the appearance of Italy in South Africa did not indicate that they are the defending champions. In addition, the Italian appeared sluggish because of relying on old players. Currently win the World Cup 2006, the average Italian players, like Totti, Alessandro del Piero, Gianluigi Buffon, or Pirlo, it was located in the best condition. However, at the 2010 World Cup squad for Italy is like a train at dusk.

The average age of 28.2 and a squad player after England's oldest (28.7), Brazil (28.6), and Australia (28.4). Age makes them trouble quickly collided with the opposing team in defense and attack. No wonder when Italy conceded a lack of goals and lots. Of the three matches, they can only create four goals and conceded five goals.

Compare this with four years ago, when they conceded only two goals throughout the tournament (7 games). Lags exacerbated by the habits of the Italian game Marcello Lippi who likes mutually strategy in the middle of the game and many players GLI Azzurri, the Italian nickname, which injured. ''I am often confused because the coach suddenly change strategy in the middle of the game but it is the right of her, "said Cannavaro.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sony Ericsson Hp Alona

Hotel di Surabaya - Vocal group Wonder Girls from South Korea has its own way to deepen the relationship with the fans. They used to greet the fans through social networking Twitter. This is done almost every time they use the cellular phone (HP).

Pesan Hotel "I used to use cell phones to communicate with fans. Usually via twitter," said one personnel Wonder Girls, Ye Eun aka Yenny with English, during a special interview with Kompas.com, at the Hotel Mulia, Jakarta, Saturday (19 / 6 / 2010).

Yenny said, she often shared with the fans about the happenings in the travel Wonder Girls via twitter. He also wrote about the visit of the Wonder Girls in Indonesia through the social networking site. This morning when I arrived in Indonesia, Yenny are immediately greeted by twitternya status. He admitted that his status was immediately a lot of comments from fans. In fact, there are also fans who commented with the Indonesian language.

"A lot of funny comments. For example when we arrived this morning in Indonesia, some say good morning. Then I said, 'if you guys can teach us something Indonesian'. There they also give a comment with a few sentences in Indonesian , "continued Yenny said, laughing.

Although only first came to Indonesia, but they already can speak Indonesian. Some of the sentences they pronounce fluently. Like, 'How you doing,' and 'We love you'. "Tomorrow, the music group that succeeded in penetrating the U.S. market with their single entitled" Nobody's, will perform in a showcase event at the Kartika Expo Center, Balai Kartini, Jakarta. "After our performances tomorrow (today-ed), we would love to perform returned to Indonesia later. Currently there are no specific plans indeed, but surely soon, "promises Yenny.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Inggris VS Amerika Imbang

Pesan Hotel - Duel initial stage Group C match between England and cons of the United States, Sunday (06/13/2010) pm dawn. Final score was 1-1.In a match that held in the Royal Bafokeng Stadium, the two teams both play attacking football. But the first British winner by Steven Gerrard before the U.S. scored an equalizer through Clint Dempsey scored. All the goals happen in the first round.

Cara Booking Penginapan - Both teams shared a point one and still leaves the Group C match vs Algeria Slovenia tonight. In both the Three Lions game will be against Algeria June 19 and the Yankees will duel with Slovenia.

The game

Starting pitch into Frank Lampard obtained which then pass to Emile Heskey. Short feed into Gerrard Heskey who ran into the penalty box. As he escorted a captain of England and Liverpool player was cheating the ball into the nets Tim Howard.

At minute 18 the new U.S. threats. A crossing into the penalty box from Landon Donovan had almost met the head of Jozy Altidore and amanlah goalkeeper Robert Green.

A minute after Aaron Lennon's acceleration in the right wing into the U.S. penalty box and finished with a flat crossing into the penalty box. Deftly Steve Cherundolo blocking before you meet the other England players.

In the U.S. 26th-minute goal again threatened England ditanduk Donovan free-kick after Oguchi Onyewu. Luckily the ball was widened on the side of the Green goal.

Green re-created misgivings in the 38th minute after kick curled just barely break through goalkeeper Donovan if not widened on the right side.

In the 39th minute Green finally conceded and also because of his own mistakes. Horizontal hard kick from Clint Dempsey from outside the penalty box could have been arrested by Green but suddenly the ball off and then rolling slowly into the post.

Six minutes after the restart of careless use of U.S. defense Heskey who ran into the penalty box. Aston Villa striker fired a shot that was hard that leads right into the arms of Howard.

In this second round of the U.S. looks more loose in the playground and the British seem unable to escape in which they mostly do not have violations.

In the 63rd minute Lampard fired hard left foot from outside the penalty box and still can be pushed over Howard. And soccer corner led to a Glen Johnson has not been able to be utilized after the kick wide on the left side.

Two minutes later Altidore who won contest run by Jamie Carragher able to lunge into the penalty box fired hard into the pole near future. Green brushed it off brilliantly.

In the 71st minute header Gerrard Rooney maximize bait. The result? the ball did not meet the target. And three minutes later Rooney's right foot shot from outside the penalty box still deviated on the left side netting Howard.

Shaun Wright-Phillips in the 75th minute failed to maximize feed so Rooney scored after the kick inside the penalty box is still weak and could be pushed over Howard. Heskey two minutes later to continue the bait Gerrard still failed also because tandukannya still hovers over the bar.

The composition of players

England: 12-Robert Green; 2-Glen Johnson, 20-Ledley King (Jamie Carragher 45 '), 6-John Terry, 3-Ashley Cole; 7-Aaron Lennon, 4-Steven Gerrard, 8-Frank Lampard, 16 - James Milner (Shaun Wright-Phillips 30 '); 21-Emile Heskey (Peter Crouch 80'), 10-Wayne Rooney.

U.S.: 1-Tim Howard; 6-Steve Cherundolo, 15-Jay DeMerit, 5-Oguchi Onyewu, 3-Carlos Bocanegra, 10-Landon Donovan, 4-Michael Bradley, 13-Ricardo Clark, 8-Clint Dempsey; 17-Jozy Altidore (Stuart Holden 85 '), 20-Robbie Findley (Edson Buddle 78').

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cynthiara Alona

Cara Pesan Hotel Online - Cynthiara Alona model photos, Saturday (06/05/2010) afternoon, go to the Police Service Center (DSS) Polda Metro Jaya. Cynthia came up with using a Toyota Alphard B 7 CCA at around 15:30.

Pesan Hotel - He also came with an attorney Sunan Kalijaga. With a tight red shirt, Cynthia smile to a number of journalists who have been waiting since noon.

Cynthia's arrival to the DSS to report a problem with the heat of the photographs that appear in cyberspace some time ago. Cut model Cynthiara Alona shocked topless photos of her spread on the internet. Though the photos were made for private collections. He suspected, that there are those who pass it on.

Alona annunciate perpetrator is a former manager deployment. Therefore, Alono accompanied by legal counsel, have mutual Sunan Kalijaga reported, a former manager at Polda Metro Jaya.

"I was with have mutual legal counsel will report that has been spreading my photos" Alona said, Saturday (5 / 6).

Women who had been a Playboy model in 2007 it felt hot to see the pictures syurnya seen all eyes. He was uncomfortable.

"I was harmed, and also what if the child minors see it," said Alona.

According to Sunan Kalijaga, photos photograph directly libelous Alona as a public figure.